Practice Prompt: Storytelling
Beck Beverage Beck Beverage

Practice Prompt: Storytelling

Humans are storytellers. It’s one of the primary ways we connect with one another. Our stories may consist of different content or may be transmitted through different means like an account of specific events or a metaphor about what it was like to be there, or a drawing or a gesture… or we might not share anything at all, which is a story in and of itself.

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on aging
Beck Beverage Beck Beverage

on aging

Growth, evolution, strength, and continued becoming can only happen if we allow ourselves to get older–part of that process is allowing the way we define those concepts to change as we do.

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What is somatics?
Beck Beverage Beck Beverage

What is somatics?

…somatic practice isn’t a set of values or forms, it’s not inherently political (yet, somehow through the lens of the west, it is…), nor is it focused on aesthetics. It doesn’t require specific exercises, activities, or breathing practices. It doesn’t necessitate the participant to believe in a religious or spiritual tradition. That said, certain lineages may include some or all of the traits listed above.

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