on aging

 I for one, am grateful to be aging.

Conversations about aging aren’t just for the elderly–they’re for everyone. Why put it off or push it away when it’s happening right now?

Western culture prioritizes youth and the dominant messages teach us to fear and fight aging. Aging and mortality unite all earthly living beings (even though some creatures may not do it the same way humans do).

Who benefits from the dispersion and consumption of those messages?

Growth, evolution, strength, and continued becoming can only happen if we allow ourselves to get older–part of that process is allowing the way we define those concepts to change as we do.

Transformation is the process of a lifetime–it requires an embodied acceptance. Something changed within me when I consciously decided to accept and embrace my own aging process.  For me, it’s an alignment with the feeling I associate with vulnerability. An awareness of being out of control. Mortal; moving in relationship to that felt sense. Is this the “spice of life”?


Practice Prompt: Storytelling


What is somatics?